In a vase on Monday... just in time

I haven't participated in IAVOM for ages - I've been busy preparing things for the arrival of our first baby, due any day now. But I've still been creating bunches - mostly for friends. Being able to create an interesting, generous home grown bunch to give away gives me a lot of pleasure. Sometimes I even remember to make one for myself!

Though I haven't posted for a while, I've still enjoyed seeing the beauty and diversity displayed in the bunches of other IAVOM contributors, even if I haven't had the time to leave a comment. 

This is a sort of mega-post, showing all of the bunches I've created over the past several months, as well as a few other assorted garden niceties. I don't have time to list the names of everything just now, but happy to provide IDs of anything if requested.

8 Dec 2022 - A slow start to summer

17 Dec 2022 - First dahlia

Dahlia 'Hillier Tanunda'

20 Dec 2022 - Jungle kitty

So cute - couldn't resist taking his photo!

9 Jan 2023 - Parsley, snappies, dahlias and strawflowers

14 Jan 2023 - Flower meadow

20 Jan 2023 -Anne's Delight dahlia


23 Jan 2023 - Purple, pink and orange

 28 Jan 2023 - 'Winkie Whopper' centrepiece

 31 Jan 2023 - More 'Winkie'

 5 Feb 2023 - Yet more 'Winkie'

 10 Feb 2023 - Sedum and dahlias

13 Feb 2023 - Potted display

Various blue and orange blooms (mostly annuals) form a potted display outside the 'man cave'

 2 March 2023 - Ageratum blue

 3 March 2023 - Pink and green

7 March 2023 - Bright zinnias

14 March - Floral rainbow

16 March - Floral rainbow #2

 22 March - Sunny and bright

Sunflowers given to me by our local greengrocer. All other flowers from my garden.

So there it is: an IAVOM mega post! I hope to make some time for flower arranging and gardening when the little person arrives, but am realistic that it may be a little while before I get out into the garden again. In the meantime, I'll enjoy looking at the creations of other IAVOM contributors.

Thanks to Cathy, the creator and host of the IAVOM meme - I look forward to participating again at some point in the future :)


  1. Every single arrangement is a joy to see, Horticat! You made great use of dahlias - and zinnias - during your summer season. It certainly seems that growing a whole new human being didn't stop you from working in your garden. Of course I loved the photo of your handsome cat in the middle of your spectacular "jungle" foliage too. I hope you're feeling well and that you'll share the news when your little person arrives. Best wishes!

  2. Thanks Kris, that's very kind of you :) I've been lucky and have still felt up to most gardening tasks during pregnancy, which I think has played a big part in things going smoothly so far. Little person will be trained to assist from a young age when he arrives!

  3. What a treat you summer flowers have been, and the Dahlias are magnificent. You'll be able to give all the care and nurturing to your own little one soon, and I am sure in time you will enjoy sharing your love of gardening too.

    1. Thanks Stasher, I do hope he’ll like gardening too!

  4. Beautiful! I enjoyed seeing your mega post and the Dahlias are fabulous. Good luck with the baby! Amelia.

  5. What a beautiful collection of vases. Here's hoping you have an easy delivery of your babe.

  6. Oh well done for continuing to make vases and posies regularly and taking photographs, even when you haven't had time to blog 👍 I have always tri to encourage people to pick things and make vases just for the simple pleasure they give to them, even if no-one else sees them, and youhave set such a good example here. Your dahlias have been wonderful and form the centrepiece of many of your vases - what is the purple one? Best wishes for your forthcoming event and I hope all goes well.

  7. Thanks Cathy, I had often made bunches before but not really photographed them until IAVOM - it’s so nice to have a record. The purple dahlia (in the middle of the second-to-last bunch) is ‘Winkie Chevron’. Winkie is a town in my home state of South Australia. A dahlia breeder called John Menzel bred all his dahlias there and named each one with the prefix ‘Winkie’. Sadly he’s passed away now, but his legacy lives on through his beautiful creations.

  8. Your flowers are just lovely! Glad you found time to share them with us. All the best to you with the new family member.

  9. A floral ode to summer! Absolutely glorious! I especially loved the photo of your cat hiding in the 'jungle' looking rather panther-like. I didn't see him/her at first! Wishing you all the best for the birth of the baby and this exciting new adventure with your little one. 🤗

    1. Thanks Cathy, I got a lot of enjoyment from creating them. And you’re right, Cosmo is totally a panther (8kgs + of cat!!) :)

  10. WOW... this was a joy to see. So many gorgeous arrangements. Like Kris I especially loved the kitty in the jungle photo. I hope the little human quickly falls into a schedule that allows you time in the garden.

    1. Thanks Loree, I hope that too :)

  11. You will soon be unimaginably taken up with new baby--and that is as it should be. Glorious array of gorgeous flowers. Best wishes and much joy to you!


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