In a vase on Monday - 'mums' for Mum

In Australia, chrysanthemums are synonymous with Mother's Day. In the week leading up to this date, they are everywhere; brightly coloured bunches appear at pop-up roadside stalls and potted 'mums' are placed strategically near the counter of every supermarket, garden centre and hardware store. 

I grow a few of these plants in my garden, including a pale pink variety which belonged to my Nana, who grew loads of them and sold excess blooms to local florists.

This week's IAVOM arrangement was created and given to my Mother-in-law for Mother's Day. 

As my Nana's pink chysanthemums are not quite fully opened yet, I will admit that the pale pink 'mums' in this bunch were purchased to bulk out the arrangement. All of the additional flowers and foliage, including the gold chysanthemums, are from my garden. 


I hope all Mums had a happy day on Sunday.

Flowers: shrimp plant Justicia brandegeeana, Hydrangea macrophylla (unknown cultivar), Chysanthemum (gold, unknown variety). The pale pink mums were purchased.

Foliage: Plectranthus argentatus, snowball tree Viburnum opulus, unknown Acacia sp. in bud

Seed heads: Miscanthus variegata seedheads

To see other floriferous creations for the In a Vase on Monday weekly meme, head over to Cathy's page, Rambling in the Garden.


  1. Lovely! You have an eye for good design.

    1. Thank you Hoover Boo, I do enjoy it :)

  2. Chrysanthemums are a challenge to grow here. I give them up for long periods of time before making yet another effort to grow them, the most recent being last year. It looks as though they do fine in your climate!

  3. That's interesting, Kris. I guess the additional rainfall we get here makes all the difference. Although it certainly has gotten more erratic with our changing climate. The past year has been thankfully pretty mild here, due to La Nina, however the eastern state have recorded record floods as a result. El Nino years are as hot as hell and dry too.

  4. Nice arrangement. I like how the foliage and shrimp plant colors relate to the hydrangea.

    1. Thanks Susie, I find shrimp plant so useful as a cut flower - it seems to go with everything.

  5. Lovely to see such a familiar flower as the Chrysanthemum with your exotic (for me!) shrimp plant. A great combination! And how lucky that the 'Mums' coincide with Mother's Day in your part of the world!

    1. Yes, and luckily both my mother and MIL love them :)

  6. What a lovely gift for your Mum! I especially like the gold chrysanthemums above the collar of hydrangea, and the overall shape of the vase with the other contents. Thanks for joining in

    1. Thanks Cathy, it's fun - thanks for initiating the meme :)

  7. What a perfect Mother's Day vase!

    1. Thanks Donna, my MIL was happy to receive it :)


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