In a vase on Monday: first blossom

Last week on my regular walk around the neighbourhood, I noticed the first almond blossoms just starting to open. This week, on a stroll past the same tree, I snapped off a couple of small branches for my IAVOM vase. This particular almond tree grows on a vacant block overlooking the city and I suspect its days might be numbered due to its position on prime land. 

We have a large almond tree in the corner of our backyard too, however it is always slower to open its blossoms. I can't see any blooms yet. Also, most of our almond flowers are eaten off by resident possums and sulfur crested cockatoos - the blossoms are obviously as tasty as they are pretty!

Cathy over at Rambling in the Garden is the creator and weekly host of the In a Vase on Monday meme. To see what other gardeners have filled their vases with this week, check out her blog here. Perhaps you have a vase of your own garden blooms to add, with hints of spring or otherwise?


  1. A lovely flowered branch. The vase you chose works so well with the coloring of the blossoms.

    1. Thanks Susie, the vase has a big chip in it, but I hang onto it as it goes so nicely with pastel coloured flowers.

  2. They just look like delicate porcelain. It is so beautiful and well worth you bring a twig or two home.

    1. Yes I agree, they do have a porcelain quality, and such a subtle, fresh scent.

  3. Love the simple elegance of this, and like Susie I think the vase is perfect

    1. Thanks Cathy, I was a bit short on time this week, but in hindsight I love the simplicity too.

  4. The almond blooms are delightful, Horticat. When we moved into our current place, there were 2 almond trees placed closely together in a very shady area. I remember how entranced I was with the blooms when they appeared just a couple months after we moved in. Unfortunately, the trees were poorly placed and didn't last. The prior owner had a fruit tree fetish and he put small trees in all sorts of odd places during the brief 15 months he owned the property and most of them didn't fare well - I speculated that maybe he had a crush on some nursery person as I could never understand his approach.

    1. He he your theory is funny, Kris! I’m often puzzled by the placement of plants in other people’s gardens. People commonly plant Yucca elephantipes here along narrow driveways, obviously not realising what a monster it becomes!

  5. You must be full of excitement with spring on the horizon and what beautiful blossom to celebrate that very thought with. I very much hope that the tree escapes the chop. Do possums do much damage in your garden? Here in my garden the biggest pest is the grey squirrel.

    1. Thanks Anna, it’s been a particularly cold winter for us so small signs of sprig are most welcome indeed!

      The possums aren’t too bad in our garden - apart from their almond blossom eating antics they mainly leave other plants alone. Squirrels are so cute! But I bet those little teeth can do some serious damage. We all have our own critters to contend with, no matter the location!

  6. So delicate and pretty. It must be heartening to see signs of spring! 😃

  7. Lovely delicate coloration of the vase looks right with the almond blossoms. Such an iconic flower of early spring.

    I had to look up possums--in North America we have Opossum, basically just one species, while your country has multiple species of native possums. Interesting they like to eat flowers.

  8. We have the common brush tail and ring-tailed possum where we live. Both are eating machines, but luckily they mostly leave my plants alone (apart from the blossom, but i'm ok with that). In other gardens, their favourite foods are roses (especially buds), Japanese maples and just about any fruit you can imagine, including unripe citrus!

    I had to look up your opossum too. I didn't realise there were marsupials outside of Australia. They look pretty cute with all their babies riding on their back.

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